The insurance industry’s rapid digital transformation relies heavily on data extraction technology. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) take your data extraction and processing method beyond your typical OCR solution.
Our 3rd Generation AI/ML Based Data Extraction Platform automates document onboarding, sorting, and analysis, making your business workflows more efficient and effective, from insurance claim processing to customer support. It helps capture data more accurately from unstructured documents with unlimited variations, give meaning to that data, and apply it in ways to make your job more accessible and profitable. And helps avoid delays due to manual scanning of documents and provides shorter resolutions for diverse issues.
Improved Customer Experience
Your customers can quickly analyze scanned copies of online insurance policy documents, making the process faster and more efficient.

Unified Workflow
It manages large volumes of data within minutes, eliminating all kinds of errors to boost workflow efficiency. And helps to organize your data with ease and calls up any information as needed.

Fewer Risks
It keeps your documents digitally safe and decreases the risks of losing track of policies. And helps you deal with deceitful claims—100% accuracy with 90% automation.

Enhanced Customer Service
It allows your customers to process their documents in an accessible format, ready for use, increasing customer satisfaction and boosting your brand image.

High Precision
It transforms your bulk data into formats with data analytics. It helps deeply analyze historical data to predict your customer behavior, market trends, and significant risks.

Profitability and Margins
It eliminates manual data entry mistakes and results in less time, workforce, and money spent dealing with the errors, removing all additional associated costs and boosting your profit margin.

Our 3rd Generation AI/ML Based Data Extraction Platform helps businesses beat digital disruption and drive change in their industry. It makes your job easier and more efficient, provides better operations metrics with automation, and maximizes data extraction.