Pharmaceutical Company Reduced Costs by 16% Through Automation
DevOps (Git), Python, JIRA, Jenkins
Company Size
Domain Area
Pharmaceutical Anti-Counterfeiting
Company Size
DevOps (Git), Python, JIRA, Jenkins
Domain Area
Pharmaceutical Anti-Counterfeiting
Business Challenge
The client was struggling to cope with the downsides of manual QA testing – which was not just a time-consuming process but also error-prone. With a continuously changing website and many third-party integrations it was difficult for their QA Team to keep up.
Additionally, they the client worked with a waterfall methodology which was not conducive to a continuous delivery framework. Configuration of clients and setting up data was again time-consuming, and hence a growing challenge.
Fulcrum zeroed in on Robot framework for automation for the client, as it is an open-source platform. Robot framework is also application and platform-independent – these reasons further advocated the framework-selection process.
The framework consists of standard libraries that are packaged, such as the Outstanding Reporting system. Fulcrum built a keyword-driven framework with coding standards, and also implemented a robust mechanism to review the codes.
Continuous integration and development were not just faster but also a reliable way of application-delivery.


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